SCHOOL FEES for 2023

Instructions for payment of fees:

Registration Booking fee:

A registration booking fee of R400.00 is charged for applications. The money is not refundable and goes towards administrative costs.


Fees are to be paid before starting the first day at the school.

Thereafter fees are to be paid on the first Monday of each month.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Cash is to be placed in a sealed envelope and paid directly to the School office.                                                                                                                                                                                                                           *Should you do a cash deposit at the ATM, you must include an extra R40 for bank charges.

      Half-day: 8.00 am — 12.30 pm

–          Annual commitment of R26 400 –  over 12 months ( R2200 per month )

*   Casual afternoon care for half-day learners – on request.

      Full day: 7.15 am — 5.30 pm

–         Annual commitment of  R39 600 – over 12 months @ R 3 300 per month


       Additional Annual Costs

The account for January is paid in advance (December the previous year)

When starting later in the year, school fees are to be paid before your child’s starting month.

The first payment will include an annual once-off fee which includes the following:

  • 100 Compulsory Scholars Accident Insurance cover
  • 300 Annual Stationery Levy.
  • R150 School T-shirt

If your child is attending St Luke’s Educare for Full Day, you will also be charged:

  • R100 for the use of a mattress, mattress cover, and blanket

Proof of payment and REFERENCING:



 are required for all transactions.

Method of payment:   EFT is preferred for Fees.  (You may also set up a stop order.)


  • CASH – Cash to be placed in a sealed envelope and handed directly to the school office, a receipt will be sent home in your child’s message book.
  • ATM DEPOSIT: Should you do a cash deposit at the ATM, you must include an additional R40 for bank charges.


Fee arrears: Please contact the school office immediately if you have any problems with the payment of fees. Fees arrears are dealt with promptly and you will be required to keep your child at home until payment is made.


Fee increases: Fees are adjusted annually, and fee increases come into effect each January.

Notice Period:  You are required to give a minimum of 2 months’ written notice if you intend to remove your child from the school before the end of the Grade R year. If we do not receive this notification, you will be liable for an additional 2 months’ fees.

Switching from Full-day to half-day is permitted provided one month’s written notice is given or you will be liable for Full-day fees for another month.

The written notice must be given by the first Monday of the month.

Fines: A flat rate of R50 is charged for half-day children collected later than 1 pm, after 3 pm a further R100 is applied.

 Full-day learners collected later than 5.30 pm will be charged R30 per 5 minutes.


Rules and Regulations


  1. Children must be dropped off & collected from the school campus by an

         adult – that the staff knows or that has been previously arranged.

You are required to notify the school should someone other than a parent be

collecting your child. An ID book/card may be asked – to verify the

person collecting your child.


  1. Our school is open throughout the year, except on Public Holidays and for

the break over Christmas/New Year.  Although the school is closed over the

Christmas period for 10/12 days full fees must be paid in December & January.

  1. Full day: 7.15am – 5.30pm. Heavy fines for late collection!


  1. Half-day – during school terms: 8 am – 12.30 pm.

– Children may arrive from 8 am onwards.  Casual afternoon care is possible

if a prior arrangement is made with the school. (Rates on request)

            – An R20  fee is charged for children left at school before 8.00 am.

  1. Illness If your child is ill, please keep them at home.  Children with a contagious illness, cough or heavy cold, or temperature should be kept at home.  Please inform us of any infectious diseases.


  1. Personal hygiene and hair care

Nails should be kept short. Hair should be washed regularly and checked for head lice and nits. Contrary to popular belief, head lice are attracted to clean hair and are not eradicated by ordinary shampoos. In the case of infestation, a suitable shampoo may be obtained from your pharmacy. Follow the instructions carefully. Bedding and clothing should be washed and ironed with a hot iron. Inform the school so that a general hair check can be carried out.

  1. Medication

We do not dispense medication for illness unless your child requires Chronic medication during school hours -please speak to the office. It is then the parents’ responsibility to collect it at the end of the day.

If your child is on Medication for a temporary cold/flu or an antibiotic for any reason, please keep your child home till the course is complete as we will not be administering this medication. The health of all pupils is of paramount importance and your child should be cared for at home should they fall ill, as per point 4 above.

  1. Clothing – Please name each article.

-An art apron is required every day for creative activities.  This should bear the child’s name and be of a design the child can put on without help.

-∙As accidents do occur, please arrange for a spare change of clothing to be kept in your child’s suitcase.

-Please send leggings if your daughter is in a dress as the movement is limited in dance and music classes.

-A fabric sunhat and sunblock are required for summer terms.

-A warm jacket and rain boots as well as indoor boots for winter terms.

  1. Shoes – For safety please do not send your child in backless shoes                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  (No slip-on shoes, especially “flip flops”).  Ensure the shoes cover toes for running and playing on the tar.                                                                                                                                      In rainy weather please send shoes or slippers to wear indoors in place of rain boots that are used outside.


  1. Toiletries: A small face cloth clearly marked and with a loop attached.

At the beginning of each school term, you will be asked to supply some of the following: Sanitizer, toilet rolls, paper towel, tissues, soap, and a toothbrush.

Full-Day essentials also include A change of clothing, toothbrush & hairbrush for children with long hair.  (* –  Hairbrush to be kept in a school bag.)


  1. Mattress cover (full day)

Each child is given his/her mattress & cover (both numbered). An annual charge of R100.00 is made for this.  Mattress covers and blankets are sent home when necessary for washing and folding.  Please return to school the following Monday. In the case of “accidents” during sleep time, covers are sent home immediately and should be returned to school as soon as possible.  If covers are not returned parents will be liable for the cost of replacement.



  1. Breakfast: Please note breakfast is only served to children in full day-care who arrive before 8 am. Juice and sandwiches –                                                                                        *Healthy snacks only please – no luxuries! 


11. Each child must bring his/her lunch. Bottles to hold liquid to be a screw-top/flip-up cap for snack time.                                                                                                                                                                  marked lunch bottles and dishes, please! Children in full day-care should pack in extra fruit or snacks for the afternoon.                                                                                                                                 (Box juice with a straw cannot be closed again and is messy – rather decant it into a bottle.) 

  1. 12. Avoid sending Toys, sweets, chips, teddies, and other luxuries

– these must not be brought to school, please!


  1. Discipline

When discipline is necessary our policy is to use positive affirmation and to first speak to children. If the behaviour persists, children are isolated from the group in a timeout space for a short period. In the case of persistent anti-social or aggressive behaviour, parents will be called in to discuss the problem.

  1. Correspondence, please supply an A5 hard-covered book for messages. The book must be kept in your child’s bag and given to the teacher every morning.  Check the book or WhatsApp messages daily for any communication.


  1. Market Day/BAKER DAY (when possible)

We hold a Market Day weekly.  Parents are asked to provide cupcakes, muffins, oat crunchies, or other shop-bought treats on request.  All children then pay R5 to buy an item.


  1. Parent/Teacher meetings. We organise these during the year and parents are expected to attend. A parent class representative will be chosen to assist in-class communication.


  1. School Committee /Fund Raising Committee

Each year we invite nominations for the above committee. We depend on the support of parents to run the school effectively and ask you to consider serving on the committee.